The Life and Work of Virginia Woolf

This film follows the fascinating life of one of the most innovative writers of the 20th century

קוד הטמעה לקליפ

היסטוריה ביוגרפיה אמנות ותרבות פופולרית ספרות

This film by Malcolm Hossick follows the fascinating life of the novelist Virginia Woolf. She was born in London in 1882. Her father was Leslie Stephen, a writer and literary editor. She was educated privately and in 1912 married Leonard Woolf. He encouraged her to write and they began their own publishing house called the Hogarth Press where they printed her remarkable books. The film is followed by a brief overview of her works.

A Film By: Malcolm Hossick

הפריט כבר התווסף

מסלול של כבר קיים בסל הקניות שלך!

לחצו על המשך כדי להחליף את מסלול הרכישה.

צפייה בסרט המלא - The Life and Work of Virginia Woolf

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