Chasing Happiness - Happiness is an inside job

Ep. 4 - Are certain people more resilient to stress and thus happier people?

קוד הטמעה לקליפ

פסיכולוגיה משפחה

In this edition of Chasing Happiness, we will focus on different parts of our brain and how it correlates to happiness. Are certain people more resilient to stress and thus happier people?

In sync with the digital age, Adrian will get to play with some high-tech digital toys that will pierce through his skull and allow us to see the different emotional soft spots of his brain. He undergoes a brain imaging exercise to explore the relationship between our brain and our ability to cope with stress. After all, a stress free Adrian is more likely a happier Adrian.

This episode will also address depression, which is the natural polar opposite of happiness. Prolonged depression can cause structural changes in our brains. So when do we tackle depression?

Adrian has another ace in hand - positive psychology. This is a fairly recent branch of psychology. It acts as an important counter-part to psychology and psychiatry. More than looking at what causes depression, positive psychology looks at what makes people thrive and flourish.

Awards : 
Winner Best Lifestyle Programme - BANFF World Media Festival 

“This fast-paced show quenches your curiosity on the question that is closest to our hearts”

Director: Angeline Swee

Producer: Felicia Koh

Story Development And Writer: Perry Ho, Angeline Swee

Editor/Colourist: Tea Wee Boon

Music Composition And Audio Mix: Suite Sound

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