Homebirth Stories

Three couples share their unique homebirth stories

קוד הטמעה לקליפ

נשים משפחה

Three couples share their homebirth stories. They present their deliberations and their decision-making process and their personal conclusion that homebirth is the most favorable birthing option for them. The movie shows various homebirth choices, including waterbirth, squatting, dry land birth, use of a birthing stool, and simply birthing in bed.

A film by Miri Urman and Amit Miller

Director And Producer: Miri Urman And Amit Miller

Professional Escort: Ilana Shemesh, Homebirth Midwife

הפריט כבר התווסף

מסלול של כבר קיים בסל הקניות שלך!

לחצו על המשך כדי להחליף את מסלול הרכישה.

צפייה בסרט המלא - Homebirth Stories

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