Seconds of Glory

A touching documentary about the lives and hopes of "extras" in films

קוד הטמעה לקליפ

תיעודי אמנות ותרבות פופולרית

They dream to be discovered, to be the main cast. They believe they deserve more and inside their heart, they aspire for an Oscar. They are the "extras", the people who appear for a few seconds here and there on the screen in box office hits, commercials and corporate films.
The film follows three extras and finds out who they are and what brought them to that career.
This time, they are the protagonists.
A film by Marco Carmel

Director: Marco Carmel

Producer: Zvi Shefy

Cinematography: David Zerif

Editor: Shimon Spector

Original Score: Yigal Carmel

הפריט כבר התווסף

מסלול של כבר קיים בסל הקניות שלך!

לחצו על המשך כדי להחליף את מסלול הרכישה.

צפייה בסרט המלא - Seconds of Glory

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